Travel to the “Navel” of the world, the Oracle of Apollo: Delphi. Start your morning with a drive, leaving busy Athens behind and heading northwest. On the way see the manmade Marathon Lake and learn about the Marathon battle between Greeks and Persians in the 4th c.b.C. Pass by Thebes, city of legendary Oedipus Rex and enjoy the view of Yliki Lake with its tranquil waters. The plain of Beotia or Kopais is the bread basket of central Greece with its various productions like cotton and potatoes. Pass through the traditional village of Arachova on the slope of Mount Parnassus and driving on the side of a gorge reach Delphi. Prophecies were given by Pythiain the temple of Apollo, God of Light and Music. Follow the “sacred path” with its legendary treasures and find out how the prophecies were given. A small 2400 years old theater will also attract your attention. In the museum, theMarble Sphinx, the bronze Charioteer and other unique masterpieces of the ancient world will amaze you. Take a few minutes also to visit the shrine of Athena Pronea with the circular Tholos of marble. Make a stop for lunch on the way back.